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Studio gb is a landscape architecture and design studio focused on the integration of nature into the city. We are committed to improving the quality of urban life by introducing a specifically ecological aesthetic into our cityscapes. Our work is predicated upon craft, observation, research, engagement and environmentally sustainable solutions to establish unique areas of serenity, resilience and solidarity in an accelerating world.

Vladimir Guculak


Vladimir was born in Latvia and graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a master’s degree in landscape architecture. He gained professional experience in the Netherlands and Switzerland before returning to the UK. Prior to setting up Studio gb, as a Director at BHSLA, Vladimir oversaw and delivered high-profile projects in the UK including RHS Garden Wisley, Belgrove House, 50 Fenchurch Street, Salisbury Square and a new piece of public realm neighbouring Hanover Square in Mayfair, London. His expertise is in urban regeneration schemes and mixed-use developments, while further developing a particular interest in combining art and sciences with planting and horticulture.

Vladimir published the Landscape Observer, a compendium of landscape architecture projects in London spanning a research period of a decade. He currently teaches as a practice tutor at the Bartlett, UCL and is regularly invited to give lectures and crits across several UK universities.

Vladimir’s artworks have been exhibited at the RA Summer Exhibition, National Original Print Exhibition as well as at a solo show at Potager du Roi in Versailles Gardens.

Paul Bourel 


Paul is a landscape architect, urban designer and one of the founding Directors of studio gb. Paul studied urban design at Westminster University after a degree in landscape architecture at Edinburgh College of Art. He has worked across the Netherlands, Slovenia and the UK within architecture practices, on a wide range of high-profile projects, including Exchange Square (London, UK) while working at DSDHA and the Curkrarna Contemporary Arts Museum (Ljubljana, Slovenia) while working at Scapelab.

Paul’s work is centred on the belief that landscape makes an essential contribution to sociable and sustainable communities. His experience covers all aspects of the design process, from sketch design to construction, with a particular interest in detail and craftsmanship.

Paul is passionate about research and education with previous teaching experience at the London School of Architecture and the Versailles School of Landscape Architecture.

Studio gb approach every project individually. We work within the context of each site's existing and complex urban fabric to explore its limits and possibilities. To produce landscapes of the highest conceptual and artistic quality, we seek inspiration from a site's spatial characteristics, connections to surrounding areas, architecture and history, sociocultural conditions and diverse habitats. Simultaneous to this philosophy, we remain in the belief that landscapes and public spaces can be made simply and accessibly.

Research and the City

Studio gb is a research-led practice. We have devoted over a decade to meticulous observation, mapping, photography and documentation of urban surroundings. This research has resulted in a unique specialisation in patterns of social distancing, green walls, urban tree planting and sustainable materials.

Our study of London's contemporary public spaces has led to the publication of the Landscape Observer: an atlas providing a comprehensive collection of case studies for evidence-based design solutions.

Landscape and Craft

We believe that thoughtful landscape architecture should transcend its traditionally narrow disciplinary boundaries and reclaim its origins from within the history and culture of our cities, buildings and gardens, including local customs of arts and crafts. Studio gb draws on these diverse cultural practices and influences to deliver individual and enduring designs. Employing exploration and experimentation in our making process in regards to materials, colours and textures is an essential tenet of our practice.

Sustainable Design

We believe that our parks and public spaces are fundamental agents of change in addressing our climate crisis and loss of biodiversity and that nature and culture exist in symbiosis.

Studio gb help cities develop their green & blue infrastructure, empower communities and promote social and cultural change by creating accessible, equitable and ecologically conscious spaces. Promoting products and materials with high recycled content and striving to maximise biodiverse planting to support local flora and fauna.

A Collaborative Process

Studio gb is actively engaged in the collaboration process from concept to delivery. We relish working with multidisciplinary teams, welcome input from local communities and stakeholders while paying careful heed to our clients’ needs so as to develop solutions specific to each project. Ecologically designed public spaces and landscapes provide a platform for urban life and a biotope for its architecture. we believe that all buildings shine when surrounded by a beautiful and equitable setting.

© studio gb ltd          4 Elm Grove, London, SE15 5DB