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Hillside Passage

Location: Streatham Hill, London
Client: Lambeth Council
Completed: 2021
Size: 130 m2

1st Prize Competition Winner

Studio gb won the competition to design a new green space in Streatham Hill. Neglected for many years, the passage will be transformed into a densely planted biodiverse garden for residents and community groups. Inspired by the unique local architecture and residents’ vibrant front gardens, we proposed a space filled with trees and plants. The existing paved surface will be replaced by a community-led garden, abundant with texture, colour and scent. The design advocates for and pushes sustainable building practices with the use of permeable surfaces, recycled materials and repurposed construction waste.

︎︎︎Planting plan, cross-stitching on linen

© studio gb ltd          4 Elm Grove, London, SE15 5DB