The Miyawaki Method is a highly effective approach to
rapidly restoring forest cover on degraded land. Trees planted using this
method grow faster, accelerating forest regeneration and capturing more carbon.
Rooted in reforestation principles that mimic natural processes, it offers a
cost-efficient solution with immediate greening impact. In addition to its speed,
the Miyawaki Method promotes the growth of dense, resilient native forests that
can withstand environmental stressors like drought and pests. These forests
support diverse ecosystems, enhancing local biodiversity, while requiring
minimal maintenance over time. They also play a crucial role in mitigating
climate change by capturing more carbon and improving air quality.
To integrate the proposed development into its natural
surroundings, we’ve devised an extensive landscape plan using the Miyawaki
Method. This approach boosts biodiversity, strengthens the connection to
nature, and creates a green buffer against the nearby arterial road leading to
the city centre.
︎︎︎Francis Hallé,
50 ans d'explorations et d'études botaniques en forêt tropicale, 2016